Friday morning we got to The Quiet Fly Fisher's shop at 8:30, ready to go.  Mike was double-booked, so his second guide, Troy took care of us.  They were suggesting pontoon boats (large float tubes), but I wasn't sure how Pop would do on one of those and he wanted to stream fish.  Troy took us up to UM Creek, the same spot we'd started fishing last year when we were up here.  It's an hour drive on a very rough four wheel drive only trail, but it's worth it.

Last year's fishing there was OK, but we had one major problem - a local rancher had moved his cattle up there and we had cattle all over the stream messing up the fishing.  Not this year, though.  The area hadn't been fished in 5 days and there were no cattle - basically pristine water.  Boy, did it pan out for us!   Last year, Mike told us there were 20" tiger trout in this small stream.  We didn't see any of them.  I only caught one tiger trout last year and several beautiful cuts.  This year was different.  I had probably 65% tiger trout and 35% cutthroats......and I proved Mike and Troy right by catching a 19"-20" tiger trout out of two feet of water.  Big fish for that tiny water.  I also had several in the 15"-17" range.

Pop had an excellent day.  I'd told Troy that Pop had back surgery in January 2013.  Troy had the same surgery twice 8-10 years ago, so he understood Pop's plight. After a little bit of fishing, Pop needed to sit down and rest his back.  There aren't a lot of large rocks or large logs to sit on, so Troy went back to his truck and grabbed a collapsible camp stool for Pop.  He carried it with him all day, just for Pop.  To me, that was above and beyond the call of duty.  Thanks, Troy, for making Pop's fishing even better!

Troy served us a nice lunch and then we headed out to do a bit more fishing.  Pop's back was really bothering him, but he was having so much fun, he didn't want to stop.  About an hour and a half later, Troy tracked me down and said Pop was done.  I told him I'd meet them at the truck shortly, I wanted to hit one more spot.  I lied.  I wanted to hit three more spots.  I finished my day and my trip with three casts and three trout - a cut, a tiger and lastly another cut.  That's how to finish a trip!

All told, we had an excellent day catching (fishing, too).  The scenery is very nice, the weather was really nice, no cattle and the company was fine.

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